Microprecision Electronics SA
Partnership Overview
Microprecision Electronics SA is a leading global distributor of switches, LEDs, position switches & mechanical sensors.It has production sites in Switzerland and the United States. Microprecision’s products excel in precision, quality and custom design and are used in very demanding applications.

Scope of partnership
Since November 2018, V5 semiconductors has taken the responsibility of distribution of Microprecision’s products in India. V5 semiconductors is a value-added distributor to Microprecision.

Since November 2018, V5 semiconductors has taken the responsibility of distribution of Microprecision’s products in India. V5 semiconductors is a value-added distributor to Microprecision.

Value prospective
To ensure the high level of quality of its products, Microprecision is certified by external auditors. The products are developed to have a long life, a great resistance to harsh environments such as temperature, chemical, shocks and vibrations.
Target Segment
Headquartered in Switzerland, Microprecision has two major units in the USAand Europe. It is hyperactive in these three regions and exports its products to all the corners of the world.
Why V5 semiconductors?
V5 semiconductors is committed to bringing high-quality products at its customers’ doors. That is why it gets into partnerships with quality-centric ISO certified companies like Microprecision Electronics SA.
About Partner’s Product Lines
Microprecision manufactures a wide variety of microswitches for a wide range of applications in the automation of position switches, safety switches, emergency stop buttons and mechanical sensors. The majority of products have a protection IP67 or IP68. They can be delivered with custom cabling to fit the specifications of customer applications.